Sahu P, Canato S, Soares R, Sánchez-Danés A*, Hannezo E*.Biomechanics of stem cell fate decisions in multilayered tissues. Preprint, biorxiv, 2024. doi:
denotes * co-corresponding authors
Canato S*, Sarate R*, Carvalho-Marques S*, Maia Soares R, Song Y, Monteiro-Ferreira S, Vieugué P, Liagre M, Grossi G, Cardoso E, Dubois C, Conway EM, Schenone S, Sanchez-Danes A$, Blanpain C$.Survivin promotes stem cell competence for skin cancer initiation.Cancer Discovery. 2024 Nov 11. doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-24-0263. Online ahead of print.
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